Thinking, Drinking, Breathing and Peeing

Thinking, Drinking, Breathing and Peeing

Being a parent is hard, especially frustrating when your house gets taken over by tons of toys! The Morning Scramble’s ‘Momtroversy’ this week is a share circle: What toy is banned at your house? Think about your response and get ready to open up and share!

Going into cold and flu season during a global pandemic can be a very confusing time. You may not feel well, but when is it time to see a doctor? The Morning Scramble checks in with Dr. Carver Nebbe, with a sure-fire way to know when your symptoms are severe enough to need a doctor.

The Morning Scramble Movie Club has a fun challenge to determine their next movie. This past weekend they watched “You Again” starring Betty White and an all-star cast. This week, they’re going to pick a different movie that featured one of those stars. Tune in to find out what the next Morning Scramble Movie Club movie will be!